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Since 1990, over 220 individual exhibitions and participations in exhibitions with my own artistic works from Europe over the USA to Japan.

In more than 100 thematically arranged exhibitions I had been “telling stories” with my jewellery creations thus establishing a dialogue with the cultures of the world (e.g.: “Time of Dreams”, “Charm and Magic”, “Dialogue of distant Cultures”, “Between Ages, Worlds and Cultures”, “Life Marks”, “Myths of the World” a.s.o.)


Individual Exhibitions and Participations in Exhibitions

Maria Kaluza

Since 1990 my creations have delighted the public throughout numerous exhibitions . Here you see a selection of the places around the world:

Frankfurt, München, Stuttgart, Duingen Sindelfingen, Offenburg, Berlin, New York, Hude, Pilsach, Hameln, SchwäbischGmünd, Wien, Aerzen, Ribnitz-Damgarten, Haigerloch, Hanau, Chicago, Bonn, Oldendorf, Chicago, Tokio, Köln, Düsseldorf, St. Gallen, Holzminden, Pilsach, Coburg, Mönchengladbach. Zürich, Luzern, Ontario/Kanada, Warschau, Barcelona, Legnica, Bern, Düsseldorf, Bünde, Darmstadt, Kassel, Duisburg,Osterwald, Emmerich, Insbruck, Salzburg, Eglofs, Saarbrücken, Hamburg, Valley, Tromm

Might be you have already come across my work at one of these opportunities...




Impressum | © 2025 Alle Recht vorbehalten | Realisierung: Lars Krüger