I live my dreams and dream my life, in relation with heaven and earth, bound into the warmth of my family, into an extensive network of friends, companions and teachers, briefly spoken of people who share my dreams and visions, working with me on our common work “World”.
Since 1989 I have been creative in my workshop as a jewellery-shaman designing one-of-a-kind pieces and amulets. In more than 220 expositions in Germany and abroad I exposed my artistic work. During this period I have encountered alternative healing methods and practised spirituality by shamans and healers from all over the world, which influences to a great extent my jewellery and my healing work.
Cultural development as well as recognition of cultural diversity are of great importance to the cohabitation of races and humankind and for overcoming crises. In the long run, peace and security may not be ensured only by international agreements, but must be based on the intellectual und moral solidarity of people.
Curriculum Vitae
I was born 1954 at the foothills of the alpine area, at a time and in a region still open to legends, fairytales and stories. Already from childhood, words have always had a magical attraction to me, enchanting me with their specific sound. But even found objects, materials had their own language. By means of little pieces of bark I created my own small gardens, inventing the adequate stories to them. At the time of highschool I felt as if I had to decide between art or languages. Up to this date, however, both fields are coexisting peacefully within me, stimulating each other.
Another childhood memory are the women, practicing healing in a very natural way for family members, the neighbourhood or relatives either by applying herbs or self-made ointments and tinctures or by laying on hands and by performing chanting ceremonies.
The preoccupation with naturopathic treatments of distant civilizations, with shamanistic healing was, at the same time, a way back to my roots.