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Ancient and modern Knowledge and Actions

Hier finden Sie Links zu schamanisch und/oder spirituell arbeitenden Menschen, deren Arbeit ich kenne und schätze.

  • Inner Paths

    Meetings with shamans of different cultures enable Vera Griebert-Schröder to let her clients participate in the energies of the spritual world.

  • Galsan Tschinag

    Galsan Tschinag was born in 1943 in the mountains of the Altai /Mongolia. He is singer, shaman and tribal chief of the small, turk-speaking minority Tuwa /Mongolia. Over the past 30 years he has written more than 20 books in German...

  •  Wilma Brüggemann

    Management Galsan Tschinag in Europe, founder and leader of Förderverein Mongolei

  •  Barbara Simeon, President of

    has founded the nonprofit association in Switzerland to support the Tuva nomads.

  • Dr. med. Birgit Koerdt-Brüning

    Dr. med. Birgit Koerdt-Brüning combinates modern psychotherapeutic treatment with shamanic healing

  • Nicole Jehle

    Master of photograph, I can recommend her for portrait and art photography




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